#5 Machine Learning & Data Science Challenge 5

#5 Machine Learning & Data Science Challenge 5

What is L2 Regularization (L2 = Ridge Regression)?

  • A regression model that uses the L1 regularization technique is called lasso regression and a model that uses the L2 is called ridge regression.

  • L2 Regularization, also called ridge regression, adds the “squared magnitude” of the coefficient as the penalty term to the loss function.


  • Overfitting happens when the model learns signal as well as noise in the training data and wouldn’t perform well on new/unseen data on which the model wasn’t trained.

  • To avoid overfitting your model on training data like cross-validation sampling, reducing the number of features, pruning, regularization, etc.

  • So to avoid overfitting, we perform Regularization.


  • The Regression model that uses L2 regularization is called Ridge Regression.
  • The formula for Ridge Regression:-


  • Regularization adds the penalty as model complexity increases. The regularization parameter (lambda) penalizes all the parameters except intercept so that the model generalizes the data and won’t overfit.

  • Ridge regression adds “squared magnitude of the coefficient" as a penalty term to the loss function. Here the box part in the above image represents the L2 regularization element/term.
