What are AIC and BIC in time series?
Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) compares the quality of a set of statistical models to each other.
For example, you might be interested in what variables contribute to low socioeconomic status and how the variables contribute to that status.
Let’s say you create several regression models for various factors like education, family size, or disability status; The AIC will take each model and rank them from best to worst.
The “best” model will be the one that neither under-fits nor over-fits.
K = number of estimated parameters in the model
L = Maximised likelihood function for the estimated model
$$AIC = 2k - 2ln(L)$$
The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) can be defined as:
$$k*log(n)- 2log(L(θ̂))$$
K is the number of parameters that your model estimates.
θ is the set of all parameters.
L (θ̂) represents the likelihood of the model tested, when evaluated at maximum likelihood values of θ.