Web Development With Python - Django Roadmap

This article aims to provide you with a roadmap for web development using python and the Django framework.

Web Development With Python - Django Roadmap

Firstly what is Web Development?

  • It is loosely defined as building creating and maintaining websites.

  • Typically Web Development has 3 essential parts:

  1. FrontEnd - "What Users See"
  2. BackEnd - "All the logic part, data processing"
  3. Database - "Where data is stored"

#1. The Basics of the Internet.

  • Learn the terms used.

  • Learn What is Hosting, Domain, and Server.

#2. HTML + CSS

  • HTML and CSS are the fundamentals of learning how to build websites.

#3. JavaScript

  • An excellent next step is to learn vanilla javascript.

  • Topics are Data Types, Variables, General Conventions, String Manipulation, Arithmetic and Operators, Control Statements, and Loops.

#4. DOM & JQuery

  • Learn DOM and JQuery, which is a javascript library that makes DOM manipulation easier.

#5. Frontend Framework

  • It's Optional and needed for full-stack.

#6. Python

  • Learn the basics fully in this time to build many projects.

#7. Django + Database

  • Django for your backend environment and develop the business logic.

  • Learn databases such as SQLite, How to make queries, CRUD, etc.

There are steps for the Roadmap of the Django Framework. So, keep learning, and growing.