Table of contents
- What is the pipeline in sklearn?
- Example of a pipeline that imputes data with the most frequent value of each column, and then fits a decision tree classifier.
- Instead of fitting to one model, it can be looped over several models to find the best one.
- I also learned the pipeline itself can be used as an estimator and passed to cross-validation or grid search.
What is the pipeline in sklearn?
A pipeline is what chains several steps together, once the initial exploration is done.
For example, some codes are meant to transform features—normalize numerically, turn text into vectors, or fill up missing data, and they are transformers; other codes are meant to predict variables by fitting an algorithm, such as random forest or support vector machine, they are estimators.
Pipeline chains all these together, which can then be applied to training data in the block.
Example of a pipeline that imputes data with the most frequent value of each column, and then fits a decision tree classifier.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
steps = [
strategy = 'most_frequent',
pipeline = Pipeline(steps)
clf =,y_train)
Instead of fitting to one model, it can be looped over several models to find the best one.
classifiers = [
for clf in classifiers:
steps = [(
strategy = 'most_frequent',
('clf', clf)
pipeline = Pipeline(steps)
I also learned the pipeline itself can be used as an estimator and passed to cross-validation or grid search.
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=seed)
results = cross_val_score(pipeline, X_train, y_train, cv=kfold)