Web Development With Python - Django Roadmap
This article aims to provide you with a roadmap for web development using python and the Django framework.
Firstly what is Web Development?
It is loosely defined as building creating and maintaining websites.
Typically Web Development has 3 essential parts:
- FrontEnd - "What Users See"
- BackEnd - "All the logic part, data processing"
- Database - "Where data is stored"
#1. The Basics of the Internet.
Learn the terms used.
Learn What is Hosting, Domain, and Server.
#2. HTML + CSS
- HTML and CSS are the fundamentals of learning how to build websites.
#3. JavaScript
An excellent next step is to learn vanilla javascript.
Topics are Data Types, Variables, General Conventions, String Manipulation, Arithmetic and Operators, Control Statements, and Loops.
#4. DOM & JQuery
- Learn DOM and JQuery, which is a javascript library that makes DOM manipulation easier.
#5. Frontend Framework
- It's Optional and needed for full-stack.
#6. Python
- Learn the basics fully in this time to build many projects.
#7. Django + Database
Django for your backend environment and develop the business logic.
Learn databases such as SQLite, How to make queries, CRUD, etc.
There are steps for the Roadmap of the Django Framework. So, keep learning, and growing.